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Glasperlenspiele in Wilsede
The Glass Bead Game
“This is Hesse`s last and greatest work, a triumph of imagination“ which won for him the Nobelprize of Literature ( Theodor Ziolkowski)
The Glass Bead Game is a “kind of synthesis of human learning” in which Themes, such as a musical phase or a philosophical thought, are started. (Wikipedia)
On my way from the University Hospital I met Dennis. He cam from the Caribic via New York to Hamburg . He knows me as a Student, teaching him in a hematological practicum. He run the Dennis Swing Club and we learned in Wilsede to understand the blues.
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Bob Gallo orderd me to invite Susumu Ohnoto Wilsede to learn about Music and Genes.
Susumu Ohne came many times to Wilsede, was with us on the Wolga

- Cellular Oncogenes as the Ancestors of Endocrine and Paracrine Growth Factors and Their Evolutionary Relic Status in Vertebrates
- Atavistic Mutations Reflect the Long Life Span of Dispensable Genes
He demonstrated that the meaning of proteins and of music springs from a similar origin and explored that the palindrome

Be chance I was joined to Egon Degens for a student discussion in the Hamburg University about early life. He came to Wilsede

Alexander Maximov in Wilsede
Evolution and Early Life
Evolution and Early Life: | ||
Todaro GJ ( 1976 ) | ||
Typ C Virogenes: Modes of Transmission and Evolutionary Aspects | ||
Haematol. Bluttransf. Vol 19 | : 357-374 |
Seadler H et al. ( 1979 ) | ||
The Role of Gene Rearrangement in Evolution | ||
Haematol. Bluttransf. Vol 23 | : 507-511 |
Ohno S ( 1985 ) | ||
Cellular Oncogenes as the Ancestors of
Endocrine and Paracrine Growth Factors and Their Evolutionary Relic Status in Vertebrates |
Haematol. Bluttransf. Vol 29 | : 224-227 |
Ohno S ( 1987 ) | ||
Atavistic Mutations Reflect the Loung Life
Span of
Dispensable Genes |
Haematol. Bluttransf. Vol 31 | : 493-495 |
Gajdusek DC ( 1989 ) | ||
Fantasy of a "Virus" from the Inorganic
World: Pathogenesis of Cerebral
Amyloidoses by Polymer Nucleating Agends and/or "Viruses |
Haematol. Bluttransf. Vol 32 | : 481-499 |
Degens ET ( 1989 ) | ||
Clay Minerales - Blueprints of Early life | ||
Haematol. Bluttransf. Vol 32 | : 500-511 |
Ohno S ( 1992 ) | ||
Immunological Self-Nonself Discrimination
and Numerous Peptide Fragments
Shared by Unrelated Proteins |
Haematol. Bluttransf. Vol 35 | : 311-315 |
Rodin SN et al. ( 1992 ) | ||
Repeated Intragenome "Parasites" as a
Factor in Molecular Coevolution |
Haematol. Bluttransf. Vol 35 | : 316-322 |
Rodin SN et al. ( 1992 ) | ||
Multigene Families: The Problem of
Molecular Recapitulation |
Haematol. Bluttransf. Vol 35 | :323-328 |
Ohno S ( 1987 ) | |
Atavistic Mutations Reflect the Loung Life Span of Dispensable Genes | |
Hämatol. Bluttransf. Vol 31 : | :493-495 |
Gajdusek DC ( 1989 ) | |
Fantasy of a "Virus"
from the Inorganic World: Pathogenesis of Cerebral Amyloidoses by Polymer Nucleating Agends and/or "Viruses |
Hämatol. Bluttransf. Vol 32 | : : 481-499 |
Degens ET ( 1989 ) | |
Clay Minerals -Blueprints of Early Life | |
Hämatol. Bluttransf. Vol 32 | :500-511 |
Rodin SN et al. ( 1992 ) | |
Repeated Intragenome
"Parasites" as a Factor in Molecular Coevolution |
Hämatol. Bluttransf. Vol 35 | : 316-322 |
Mitchison A ( 2002 ) | |
Jim`s cool reception among the British geneticists | |
www.science-connections.com july 2002 |
Greaves M (2002) | |
Cancer causation: the Darwinian downside of past success | |
THE LANCET Oncology Vol 3 April 2002 | : 244-251 |
Chaos: | ||
Ohno S ( 1989 ) | ||
Modern Coding Sequences Are in the
Periodic-to-Chaotic Transition |
Haematol. Bluttransf. Vol 32 | : 512-519 |
Schwietering J Plath PJ ( 1992 ) | ||
Haematol. Bluttransf. Vol35 | : 329-335 |
Krause U ( 1992 ) | ||
Haematol. Bluttransf. Vol35 | : 336-341 |
Music and Genes
Music and genes: | ||
Ohno S ( 1987 ) | ||
Repetition as the Essence of Life on this
Music and Genes |
Haematol. Bluttransf. Vol 31 | : 511-518 |
Dennis Swingclub ( 1987 ) | ||
Translation to Human Temperaments
Session in " De Emhoff" |
Haematol. Bluttransf. Vol31 | : 519 |
S. Ohno ( 1988 ) | ||
in NATO ASI Series,
The Semiotics of Cellular Comminication in the Immune System edited by E.E. Sercarz et al. |
Vol H23 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg | pp 131-147 |
Busby D ( 1989 ) | ||
Translation to Human Temperaments of the
Thyrosin-Kinase Active Site
of the Human Insulin Receptor - Chain |
Haematol. Bluttransf. Vol32 | : 520-526 |
Degens E ( 1989 ) | ||
Transcription of the Beatels "Yellow
In: Degens ET ( ed ) Perspectives on Biogeochemistry |
Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg New York London Paris Tokyo |
Ohno S ( 1993 ) | ||
A song in praise of peptid palindromes** | ||
Leukemia, Vol 7, Suppl 2 | : 151-156 |
Science for kids
Tim Hunt, School Teaching in Buchholz/Nordheide 1973
Science for Kids and Students (pdf) Symposium Vienna, Jan 31 - Feb 2 2008 W. Neth E. Stunkat A Zander
Art and science
Academic freedom
James Clerk Maxwell (1831-1879) and Heinrich Hertz (1857-1894) recognised that light is also an electromacnetic wave movment in space. Their inspiration was not hope of profit, but rather the dream of a new freedom-this hope we share.
Wilsede-Science-Connections.com become an Internet Portal for Science information-transfer and social responsibility. Science-information-transfer with social responsibility help Academic Freedom.
Telling pictures create the chance for personal inspirations and reflexions. Rolf Neth, Axel Zander University Hamburg
Student demonstration, Belarus
Student demonstration in Minsk (EHU University)
Peaceful demonstration, Ragun/Birma

Aung San Suu Kyi: The Nobel Peace Prize 1991
School in Tibet
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more information: here
Open Letter to the U.S. Congress
An Open Letter to the U.S. Congress, Signed by 26 Nobel Prize Winners
Potsdam Manifesto 2005
We have to learn to think in a new way
In the middle of the 20th century prominent opposing movements formed all over the world to stop the nuclear arms race. On 9th of July 1955 Bertrand Russell and Albert Einstein published the Russell-Einstein-Manifesto. It was an ultimate calling for a new way of thinking that would guarantee war, in the future, to be completely banned as an instrument of politics and conflict resolution.
On the occasion of the Einstein-Year 2005 Hans-Peter Dürr, J. Daniel Dahm and Rudolf zur Lippe composed the Potsdam Manifesto 2005 "We have to learn to thinkin a new way" and its mother-script, the Potsdam "Denkschrift" 2005.