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Ohno S Modern Trends in Human Leukemia

Ohno S ( 1985 )
Cellular Oncogenes as the Ancestors of
Endocrine and Paracrine Growth Factors and
Their Evolutionary Relic Status in Vertebrates
Haematol. Bluttransf. Vol 29: 224-227 

Ohno S ( 1987 )
Atavistic Mutations Reflect the Loung Life Span of Dispensable Genes
Haematol. Bluttransf. Vol 31: 493-495 


Ohno S ( 1987 )
Repetition as the Essence of Life on this Earth:
Music and Genes
Haematol. Bluttransf. Vol 31: 511-518 

S. Ohno ( 1988 )

Of Words, Genes and Music,

in NATO ASI Series,
The Semiotics of Cellular Comminication in the Immune System edited by E.E. Sercarz et al.
Vol H23 Springer-Verlag
Berlin Heidelberg
pp 131-147

Ohno S ( 1989 )
Modern Coding Sequences Are in the
Periodic-to-Chaotic Transition
Haematol. Bluttransf. Vol 32: 512-519 

Ohno S ( 1992 )
Immunological Self-Nonself Discrimination and Numerous Peptide Fragments
Shared by Unrelated Proteins
Haematol. Bluttransf. Vol 35: 311-315 

Ohno S ( 1993 )
A song in praise of peptid palindromes**
Leukemia, Vol 7, Suppl 2: 151-156