Wolga Wilsede Meeting
Idea 1988-History

Discussion of the ideae of an joint Wilsede Meeting on the Wolga June 23 1988 in Buchholz
Elena Frolova, Joseph Chertkov, Elena Elsner, Hanne-Lore Neth, Rolf Neth, Alexander Friedenstein, Boris Afanasiev.
Video Files
Special Lectures: Yuri_Ovchinnikov
Ivanov VT ( 1992 ) | |
In Memoriam Prof. Yuri Ovchinnikov | |
Haematol. Bluttransf. Vol 35 | : XXXIII-XXIV |
Ivanov VT Nesmeyanov VA (1992 ) | |
Prof. Yuri Ovchninnikov | |
Haematol. Bluttransf. Vol 35 | : XXXV - XXXIX |
Rowly JD ( 1992 ) | |
Human Leukemia Genes : Search for the Villains | |
Haematol. Bluttransf. Vol 35 | : XL-XLVI |
Gallo RC Nerurkar LS ( 1992 ) | |
Human Retroviruses: Linkage to Leukemia and AIDS | |
Haematol. Bluttransf. Vol 35 | : XLVII-LXVII |
Reflections 2005
Elena Frolova, Shemyakin and Ovchinnikov Institut of Bioorganic Chemistry, Moscow wmv movie, 4 MB