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Wilsede Synapsis

Open Access Journal

With the Internet-File „Modern Trends in Human Leukemia“, Wilsede 1973-2008, we started „Wilsede Synapsis“ a new comming open access journal, edited by Robert Gallo, Melvin Greaves, Avrion Mitchison, Rolf Neth, Axel Zander and the Wilsede Club.

From 2008 a scientific-forum for direct personal contact and NewsLetters will continue the Internet File for Scienencetransfer with Social Awardnesss.

We started to establish a nonprofit foundation “Science-Communication” to keep Wilsede the Oasis for Nature and Science preserved for the future in “Witthöfs Gästehaus”, build 600 years ago in Wilsede.

Wilsede History

Midsummer Night, June 1973, starting for three long days and nights in the 350 years old farmhouse “De Emhof”the couches from Niederhavebech to Wilsede, Sey Perry announced the Sputnick arounding in the atmosphere and the Wilsede Meetings “Modern Trends in Human Leukemia” started.

Those who have joined the bienal horse-drawn expedition to Wilsede in the inner Reaches of the Lüneburger Heide south of Hamburg, have enjoyed stimulating and informal Discussions. The rustic “ De Emmhoff” has provided a convivial setting for many lively, and at times provocative, debates.

The Wilsede meetings have proved the ideal forum for practising medical doctors and basic scientist to meet together and discuss new innovations from molecular biology to treatment strategies.

The educational component of Wilsede, enjoyed by both students and golden oldies alike, is not to be underestimated, in an increasingly specialised, technical and rapidly developing research arena it serves a vital function. The main emphasis of leukemia research has changed since the first description of a leukemic patient 1827, Virchow recognized 1845 Leukemia as a distinct desease.

But there are still questions open to answer Rudolf Virchows statement about 125 years ago: “….The disturbance of normal differentation-so called leukemia-is a disease sui generis. We know the sequels of this disease, but we don`t know the origin”. The most important lesson we tried in Wilsede, exchanging ideas and coordinating clinical observations with biological experimentations to help leukemic children.

more information coming soon:
Mel Greaves, Don Pinkel, Phil Köfler, Reisner

Wilsede opened a window an so we heard by Susomo Ohno 1987 and 1988 about the correlation of music and genes, and learned that there has been increasing realisation that there is order in chaos

as well. East-Europe Activities and medical help becam true in the Wolga - Wilsede (1990), Neva Wilsede and Chernobyl meetings.

Wilsede Interviews 2005:

  • Amanda Fischer, Lymphocyt Development Group, MRC Clinical Science Center, ICSM Hammersmith Hospital, London wmv movie, 4 MB
  • Elena Frolova, Shemyakin and Ovchinnikov Institut of Bioorganic Chemistry, Moscow wmv movie, 4 MB
  • Philip Koeffler, Cedars Sinai Medical Center, Division of Hematology and Oncology, Los Angeles wmv movie 9 MB
  • Vladimir Prassolov, Engelhardt Instituet of Molecular Biology, Russian Academy of Science, Moscow wmv movie 3 MB
  • Katarina Le Blanc, Karolinska University Hospital, Division of Clinical Immunology, Stockholm; last one speaking is Frank Marini III, M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, Dep. of Blood and Marrow Transplant, Houston wmv movie 5 MB
  • Peter Chumakov, Engelhardt Institute of Molecular Biology, Russian Academy of SCience, Moscow
  • Yair Reisner, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot/Israel wmv movie 3 MB
  • Alexandra Sipol, SPb Pavlov`s State Medical University, BMT department, Saint Petersburg wmv movie 4 MB