Newsletter Juli 2015

Dear scientific friends, students, physicians and Wilsede visitors,

Now at the age of 88, I would like to report for a last time on my almost 70 years of interest in blood cells and the scientific Wilsede Discussions.

At the Wilsede Meetings „Modern Trends in Human Leukaemia“, held from 1973 to 2014, we discussed the function of blood cells.

At the 300-year-old De Emhoff in the Lüneburg Heath, I reported on the successful Wilsede experiment supported by 1000 participants worldwide.

Photo: De Emhoff

Now, it is time to say good-bye.

The www.Science-Connection-Wilsede game started as a „Kind of Synthesis of Human Learning“ (Glass Bead Game, Hermann Hesse), by which we discussed scientific ideas, musical phrases, creative pictures or philosophical thoughts.

A blood smear provides diagnostic hints allowing the immediate medical treatment of millions of children worldwide, especially in poor countries.

The preparation of a blood smear in easy, inexpensive and does not depend on climate. Trained medical professionals are able to prepare a blood smear within 10 minutes.

The microscopic examination of blood smears (Blood Smear and Urine Analysis) is a successful diagnostic method that is more than 100 years old and cannot be replaced by expensive automatic equipment.

Erythrozyten  2 Granulozyten, 1 B-Lymphozyt, 1 T-Lymphozyt, Thrombozyten (right picture)

Blood smears are used to assess anaemias, infections, immune system disorders, aids, malaria and leukaemia’s.


Hyperchromasia and anisocytosis – Vitamin B12 defency anemia

Hypochromasia and anisocytosis - iron deficiency anemia

Hypochromasia and poikilocytosis - thalassemia

Spherocytes- hemolytic anemia

Anisocytosis and sickle cells - sickle cell anemia



Bacterial Infections

Deviation to the left and

forms of stimuli of lymphopoesis

toxic granulocytes - sepsis


Bacterial Infections

Proliferation, differentiation and function of granulocytes (Marcel Bessis "Blood Smears Reinterpreted, Springer 1977)

(Wilsede 1973 - Marcel Bessis sitting in the middle)

Virus infections

Lymphocytosis- virus infection,

Aids and Ebola

Lymphocytes - mononucleosis infectiosa

Plasma cell -  rubella


Acute lymphatic leukemia

Acute undifferentiated leukemia


Parasitic Diseases

Malaria tropica Malaria tertiana

In addition to medical therapies, patients need to be instructed about prevention, hygienic behaviour and vaccination. When current special knowledge is required, for instance malaria therapies, aids prevention, cytostatics for cancer and leukaemia as well as modern current genetic diagnostics, specialists and scientists need to be contacted.

Abb. Maximov`s Wold - Michel Weidemann - A.Friedenstein: Stromal-Hemopoetric Interlationship. Maximows Ideas

M. Weidemann. Wilsede 2008 - Full moon 19.6-2008 above a maze - Sky above Wilsede in June

(top center: North Star, top right: Ursa Major )


Personally, I would like to thank my wife Hanne-Lore for her loving encouragement.

50 years ago, as a student, after having examined (Untersuchung) 10383 post-mortem records at the scientific lab, I could not find a relationship between the increasing number of heart attacks since 1948 and coronary arteriosclerosis.

Coronary arteriosclerosis in the year 1950 to 1953 compared to 1945 to 1948 (Koronarsklerose zeigte in den Jahren 1950-53) did not show an increase.

The risk of a heart attack is a good example of Knowledge of Life and to protect oneself against the money-making oriented drug industry (Geldmachen der Pharmaindustrie), e.g. cholesterol therapy.

At the age of 88, I would now like to concentrate on my family, my wife, children and grandchildren.
Rolf Neth