SCIENCE CONNECTIONS WILSEDE 2015, Dear Wilsede Participants, Friends and Students HOME NEWS WILSEDE CLUB LOCATIONS SCIENTIFIC-PROFILS LEUKEMIA Science-Connections-Wilsede tells about the succesful Wilsede Experiment with world wide opened windows for more than 1000 participants started1973 in the 300 years old De Emhoff in the Lüneburger Heide. Wilsede Meetings 1973-2014 Full Text “Modern Trends in Human Leukemia I-X The Science-Connections-Wilsede game started as a “Kind of Synthesis of Human Learning” (Glass Beat Game) in which we discussed themes such as a scientific idea, a musical phrase, a creative picture or a philosophic thought. Wilsede 1973 - Axel Zander and team, Wilsede 2008 Wilsede 1973 - 1999 Children from Chernobyl in Hamburg 40 years Wilsede Support 1973-2013 - The spirit of Pastor Bode will help to keep the discussion forum open for students and scientists for the next 40 years in Wilsede. Internet Portal for free Science Information Transfer with awareness of social responsibility,Inspired by Picasso 1901, Severin Cullis Suzuki UN talk in Rio Social 1992, Malala Yousafa Zali Nobelpreis 2014
60 years of Immunology Ave Mitchison, University of London MODERN TRENDS IN INFECTIOUS DISEASES AND IMMUNOLOGY II Training Course for Paediatric Infectious Diseases Trainees find the program 2015 Contact: IT Erik Stunkat Multimedia Wulf Neth Printed Michel Weidemann Selected Manuscripts “Modern Trends in Human Leukemia I-X” , 1974- 1992, Special Lectures, Multimedia Unexpected Klicks, Charly Chaplin, In and Out Wilsede, Musik and Genes, Evolution, Blues, Virus and Cancer, Blueprints of early life, Fantasy of Virus from inorganic world, Aids James Clark Maxwell , Heinrich Hertz and Max Planck recognised that light is also an electronic wave movment in space. Albert Einsteins question as a boy “can I catch the light” is not answered. „Der Zuspruch macht heimisch in einer langen Herkunft“ Martin Heidegger in Der Feldweg. This inspirations were not hope of profit, but rather the dream of new freedom – this hope we share. Alfred Nobel preserved the inspiration of Bertha von Suttner “Science with Social Awareness” with high respect. Hamburg, 2015 Rolf Neth |
SCIENCE CONNECTIONS WILSEDE 2015, Dear Wilsede Participants, Friends and Students HOME NEWS WILSEDE CLUB LOCATIONS SCIENTIFIC-PROFILS LEUKEMIA Science-Connections-Wilsede tells about the succesful Wilsede Experiment with world wide opened windows for more than 1000 participants started1973 in the 300 years old De Emhoff in the Lüneburger Heide. Wilsede Meetings 1973-2014 Full Text “Modern Trends in Human Leukemia I-X The Science-Connections-Wilsede game started as a “Kind of Synthesis of Human Learning” (Glass Beat Game) in which we discussed themes such as a scientific idea, a musical phrase, a creative picture or a philosophic thought. Wilsede 1973 - Axel Zander and team, Wilsede 2008 Wilsede 1973 - 1999 Children from Chernobyl in Hamburg 40 years Wilsede Support 1973-2013 - The spirit of Pastor Bode will help to keep the discussion forum open for students and scientists for the next 40 years in Wilsede. **Internet Portal for free Science Information Transfer with awareness of social responsibility,** Inspired by Picasso 1901, Barbara von Suttner , Nobelpreis 1905 , Max Planck last Lecture 1947, Severin Cullis Suzuki UN talk in Rio Social 1992, Malala Yousafa Zali Nobelpreis 2014 De Emhoff, build 1670 Hans Eidig Lecture 1986 Pastor Bode Lecture 1980 East-Europe Acticities Wilsede Magic 60 years of Immunology Ave Mitchison , University of London MODERN TRENDS IN INFECTIOUS DISEASES AND IMMUNOLOGY II Training Course for Paediatric Infectious Diseases Trainees Seville 17-18th of April 2015 find the program 2015 Seville 2012 Contact: IT Erik Stunkat Multimedia Wulf Neth Printed Michel Weidemann Selected Manuscripts “Modern Trends in Human Leukemia I-X” , 1974- 1992, Special Lectures, Multimedia Unexpected Klicks, Charly Chaplin , In and Out Wilsede , Musik and Genes , Evolution , Blues , Virus and Cancer , Blueprints of early life, Fantasy of Virus from inorganic world , Aids James Clark Maxwell , Heinrich Hertz and Max Planck recognised that light is also an electronic wave movment in space. Albert Einsteins question as a boy “can I catch the light” is not answered. „Der Zuspruch macht heimisch in einer langen Herkunft“ Martin Heidegger in Der Feldweg. This inspirations were not hope of profit, but rather the dream of new freedom - this hope we share. Alfred Nobel preserved the inspiration of Bertha von Suttner “Science with Social Awareness” with high respect. Hamburg, 2015 Rolf Neth |