Rolf Neth

Curriculum Vitae
- Born 6.10.1926
- Married with Hanne-Lore Cohrs, 8.11. 1958
- 4 children, 9 grandchildren
Education and Activity
- 1949/1955 Study of medicine (University of Göttingen and Hamburg, Germany)
1955 R.Neth und G.Schwarting: "Das Verhalten der Koronarsklerose in der Nachkriegszeit", 80,570-573 (1955)
1956 Promotion, University of Hamburg
- 1955/1956 Fellow in Biochemistry, Physiological Chemical Institute, University Göttingen
- 1956/1957 Research Fellow, Max-Planck-Institut für Experimentelle Medizin, Göttingen, Karl Thomas, Histochemisches Labor Friedrich Timm
- 1958/1959 Fellow in Medicine ( Hematology), AK St.Georg, Hamburg
- 1960/1982 Children Hospital, University of Hamburg, Karl Schäfer
- 1 year as visiting scientist , Max Planck Institut Heinrich Matthaei ,Göttingen,
- visiting scientist USA National Cancer Institute with Robert Gallo and Columbia University, Institute of Cancer Research with Sol Spiegelmann
- 1967 Specialist in Pediatrics
- 1967 Cold Spring Harbor Symp.Quant.Biol. "The Genetic Code" 31, 225-38 (1967)
1968 Venia Legendi, Zellfreie Teilsysteme der Proteinsynthese
- 1970 Cold Spring Harbor Symp. Quant. Biol. "The Mechanism of Protein Synthesis" 34, 369-375 (1970)
- 1970 "Catalysis of Peptidyl Transfer by human Tonsil Ribosomes and Effects of some Antibiotics" FEBS Letters 8, 198-202 (1970)
- 1972 Professor at the Children Hospital, University of Hamburg
- 1982 / 1992 Department Clinical Chemistry, University Hamburg
- 1992 Retirement
Sciencetransfer with social awareness
- 1973 -1990 Wilsede Meetings “Modern Trends in Human Leukemia”
- 1992 - 1998 Visiting Professor Gomel/Belarus, Tschernobyl Help
- 1999 - 2009 Radioactivity and Leukemia
- 2002 - 2009 Internet Portal science-connections
- 1966 Dr.Martini Preis
"Die diagnostische Bedeutung cyto- und mikrochemischer Eisenstoffwechseluntersuchungen" Klin.Wschr. 44, 687-695 (1966)
- Modern Trends in Human Leukemia I Gruner + Stratton, J.F.Lehmannverlag 1974, II-IX 1976-1992, Springerverlag in
- Blutbild und Urinstatus, Springer Verlag 1979
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