1. The N. N. Petrov Research Institute of On cology,
USSR Ministry of Health, Lenin grad, USSR.
2. The B. P. Konstantinov Research Institute of Nuclear Physics,
USSR Academy of Science, Gatchina, Leningrad, USSR.
3. The M. M. Shemyakin Research Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry,
USSR Academy of Science, Moscow, USSR
It is widely accepted that tumor development and progression are
due to illegitimate activation of cellular oncogenes by point mutation,
retroviral insertion, chromosomal translocation and amplification
or deletion of the genc [1- 3]. Nonrandom deletions of chromosomal
regions 13q14 and 11p13 have been detected in retinoblastoma [1]
and Wilm's tumor [2, 3]. It has been proposed that these rare childhood
cancers result from the deletion of dominant-acting genes, permitting
the expression of tumorigenic recessive alleles [1 ]. Moreover,
restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis has demonstrated
loss of H-ras.I oncogene allele (chromosome 11 p 15) in primary
bladder, breast, ovarian, and lung carcinomas [4- 7]. On the other
hand, another important mechanism of activation of ra.s oncogene
(including H-rasI) have been shown in 10-15% of certain types of
human tumors, which involved a point mutation, causing an alteration
at amino acid positions 12, 13 or 61 of the ras gene product p21
ras [8]. The study discusses the possible supressive action of the
wild-type H-ras.I allele on the mutant one in breast cancer.
Material and Methods
The RFLP of H-rasI oncogene was analyzed in 76 primary breast carcinomas
as described [7]. H-ra.sI sequence spanning 145 base pairs across
cod on 12 was amplified in vitro by Thermu.s thermophyfus DNA polymerase
[9]. Subscquent MspI digestion allowed us to detect the mutation
in "hot spot" due to the loss of the restriction site for MspI in
the case of substitution in the 12th codon of H-rasI [10].

Fig. I. Deletions of one of H-rasI allele in breast carcinomas
(BC), identified by means of PvuII restriction of DNA samples, Southern
blotting and hybridization with 6,6-fragment of pEl [II]. Samples
of DNA were derived from (I) BCI2 -genotype A1/A1; (2) leukocytes
of BC9 constitutive genotype A 1/A2; (3) BC9 A1/A2, deletion of
A2 allele; (4) BC 5 -A 1/ A 2, deletion of A 1 allele; and (5) BC
31 genotype A 1/ A3. Slight hybridization signals at the place of
lost A 2 (3) and A 1 (4) alleles are due to the contamination of
the tumors by normal cells. In BC 107 and BC 109 the same deletions
were detected as in BC9 (3)

Fig.2. Detection of H-rasI mutation in codon 12. The 145
base pair (bp) DNA sequence across 12th codon (in the frame) was
amplified in vitro using the oligonucleotide primers (large open
arrows indicate the 5' 3' orientation of the primers [9]. MspI digestion
of the amplified sequences result in three fragments (25, 56, and
64 bp) in the case of wild-type allele, and two fragments (25 and
120 bp) in the case of substitution in codon 12 that altered msp
site of restriction (vertical arrows). The photograph demonstrates
the products of amplification of BC5 (1), BC9 (3), and BC107, BC109
(not shown) DNA samples and MspI restriction (3, 4, and 6, respectively).
Arrows on the right of the photograph indicate bands corresponding
to mutant and wild-type alleles. Alu fragments of pBR322 DNA (standard)
are pointed out on the left of the photo
Results and Discussion
Restriction analyses of 76 DNA samples from primary breast carcinomas
revealed deletions of one of the H -rasI allele in ten out of 41
(25% ) heterozygous patients (Fig.1). Enzymatic amplification and
Msp restriction showed the presence of point mutation in the undeleted
H-rasl allele in four out of ten carcinomas with the allelic loss
(Fig. 2). All four mutations identified were the G-to- T transversion
in the second position of cod on 12 (Fig. 3).
Fig.3. Nucleotide sequence of the H-rasI oncogene fragment,
containing the 12th codon with G-to- T transversion. The sequence
was determined by means of a 8% polyacriamide sequencing gel and
the Maxam and Gilbert procedure [12]. Arrows indicate the codon
12 and the mutated band
The loss of intact H-rasI allele and consequently its product
-p21 ras -nor mally involved in transport of mitogenic signal in
the cell, might potentiate transforming activity of the oncoprotein,
coded by the mutant allele. The deletion of wild-type allele of
H-rasI oncogene is likely to unmask the mutant one. Nevertheless
it is possible that another cellular constraint of growth is present
on chromosome 11 p 13-p 15, and that the loss of this suppressor
locus leads to activation of normally repressed class of genes.
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