Midwest Children's Cancer Center. Milwaukee Children's Hospital.
Milwaukee. Wisconsin. USA *
This Iecture is based on work performed at St.
Jude Children´s Research Hospital supported by National Cancer Institute
grants CA08480. CA07594. CI\05176 CA08151. by the American Cancer
Society and by ALSAC Inc work of the Midwest Children's, Cancer
Center is supported by National Cancer Institute grants CA 17997.
CA 17700. CA 17851. by the American Society, the Faye McBcath Foundation
and the Milwaukee Athlets against Childhood Cancer
Thank you for the honor of sharing in this memorial to Frederick
Stohlman. The work I will report today represents the efforts of
many physicians and scientists who have tried to understand and
control childhood leukemia. In North America and Europe acute lymphocytic
Icukcmia (ALL) represents approximately 80 percent of childhood
leukemia and 30 percent of childhood cancer. The disease usually
occurs without warning in the well child who has been well cared
for. It is characterized by fever, pallor, fatigue, malaise, bone
pain, bleeding and enlarged visccra and lymph nodes. Without effective
treatment the child soon dies of hemorrhage, injection or tumor
encroachment. The diagnosis is made by examination of aspirated
bone marrow. In 1948 it was demonstrated that antifolate compounds
produced clinical and hematological remissions in some children
with ALL [ 10]. However, the remissions were only partial cessation
of treatment was followed by relapse in a few weeks, and temporary
relapse usually occurred within a few months despite continued administration
of the drug. Subsequently , corticosteroids, mercaptopurine, vincristine
and occasionally cyclophosphamide were demonstrated to induce remissions
of a similar nature [II]. By 1961 it was possible to prolong the
lives of children with ALL for a year or more but mortality remained
near 100 percent. The major obstacles to cure were: drug resistance,
initial and acuired; inadequade distribution of drugs to the leptomeninges
resulting in primary meningeal relapse; treatment related hematosuppression,
immunosuppression and epithelial damage; and a pessimism about curing
leukemia that imprisoned the wills of many physicians [ 15, 18].
The "total therapy" plan of treating ALL initiated in 1962, embodied
several innovative features: Combination chemotherapy for induction
of remission and continuation treatment; reduction of leukemia cell
mass to subclinical levels and restoration of hematopoiesis prior
to antimetabolite therapy; meningeal irradiation early in remission
to prevent meningeal relapse; cessation of chemotherapy after 2-3
years of continuous complete remission; and most important, a purpose
to cure rather than palliate leu kemia (Table I) [15]. Early pilot
studies suggested that the plan was feasible and useful [15]. Approximately
9/10ths of the children experienced complete remission, hematological
remissions were four times the usual length, and 1/6th of the children
remained in complete remission after treatment was stopped. However,
the low doses of meningeal irradiation utilized were not effective
in preventing meningeal relapse. In a later study the meningeal
irradiation was increased and limited to the cranium and upper cervical
area, and intrathecal methotrexate was administered during the irradiation
period [2]. When followed by five-drug combination chemotherapy
for 2 1/2 to 3 years this treatment program resulted in a low frequency
of meningeal relapse and 1/2 of the children are now surviving free
of leukemia and off treatment for many years [19]. A comparative
study proved that moderately high doses of preventive craniospinal
meningeal irradiation reduced the risk of initial meningeal relapse
15 fold and again led to one-half of the children surviving free
of leukemia when they subsequently received three years of multiple
drug chemotherapy [3]. At present meningeal irradiation is the only
method demonstrated by long-term comparative study to prevent meningeal
relapse both during chemotherapy and after its cessation [3.8,14.19.21].
Most of the children who survive continuously free of leukemia for
five years and off treatment for two years are apparently cured.
In Fig. 1 the initial continuous complete remission duration of76
children entering complete remission in 1967 to 1970 are plotted
on a semilogarithmic graph. All of the children received 2400 rads
of cranial irradiation with simultaneous intrathecal methotrexate
or 2400 rads of craniospinal irradiation early during complete remission.
Subsequently they received multiple drug chemotherapy for 2lh to
3 years or until relapse or death during remission. As indicated.
the complete remission duration curve forms a plateau after 4 to
5 years. All children represented in the plateau have been in complete
remission for 8 to 10lh years and have been off treatment for 5
to 8 years. Except for the one child who relapsed after 5lh years
of complete
Table I. Plan of total therapy of acute
lymphocytic leukemia 1962- 75
remission all children in remission at 5 years remain so. This suggests that these children are biologically different from the children in the descending portion of the curve and that this difference represents biological cure of
Since a plateau of continuous complete remission has been achieved the height of this plateau is now the criterion of success of curative treatment of ALL. Any new treatment or modification of treatment must be assessed with respect to this criterion. Since a plateau cannot be predicted or extrapolated statistically it is necessary to delay judgement about the curative value of treatment until actual experience demonstrates it.
The quality of survival for most children with ALL is satisfactory (Fig. 2, 3). Within a few weeks after initiation of treatment most children can return to normal activities such as school attendance and athletics [15,19,21]. Many children have 1-2 weeks of fever and somnolence approximately 6 weeks after cranial irradiation. All the children have various degrees of hematosuppression and immunosuppression, many exhibit inhibition of skeletal growth, and some demonstrate mucosal or skin disorders, elevation of hepatic enzymes in the serum, and macrocytic anemia. The children need to be monitored carefully to avoid excessive toxicity and to control infection. Trimethoprim and sulfamethoxazole is effective in preventing Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia in children at high risk [ 12].
After termination of chemotherapy an immunological rebound may occur with lymphocytosis of the bone marrow and rise in immunoglobulin levels [6]. Hematopoiesis recovers and elevated enzymes return to normal. Often growth and weigh1 gain are accelerated and the children have increased energy and vitality [21]. Neuropsychological studies indicate that preschool children may experience impairment of short memory and
Fig.l. This semilogarithmic graph describes the initial
continuous complete remi5sion duration or children who began receiving
total therapy including preventive meningeal irradiation in 1967 to
1970 Treatment was stopped in all patients remaining in continuous
complete remis5ion after 21h to 3 years None or the children experienced
initial meningeal relapse after cessation or therapy and only one
child developed relapse after five years of complete remission The
level or thi5 plateau or continuous complete remission is now the
measure or curative value or treatment must be established by actual
experience for each treatment plan or its modification
Fig.2. Patient J.E was admitted with ALL in August 1964
at age 1 !72 years. He survives continuously free of Ieukemia for
14 years and off therapy 11 years while enjoying normal growth.
development and function
mathematical ability [9]. Early detection of these defects is important
to allow remedial measures and to minimize school difficulties.
Reports of abnormal computerized cranial tomography. of paraventricular
calcifications and of' serious functional neurological defects have
caused concern [13.17]. The evidence suggests that clinical meningeal
leukemia. high doses of' parenteral methotrexate following cranial
irradiation and intercurrent infectious encephalitis may be responsible
for many or
Fig.3. Patient F. G., age 13 years, had an initial white
blood cell count of 225,000 per cu mm He has developed from adolescent
to adult while continuously free of leukemia for 10 years. He has
not received treatment for eight years
these problems, Also to be considered, however, are other neurotoxic
drugs such as vincristine, asparaginase and prednisone, and the
most common cause of cerebral atrophy in young children, protein-calorie
malnutrition, a frequent concomitant of leukemia and its treatment.
The two most important reasons why children still die of ALL are
drug resistance, as manifest by hematological relapse during chemotherapy,
and failure to eradicate all leukemia, as demonstrated by hematological
and gonadal relapse after cessation of chemotherapy. Several approaches
have been taken to reduce the risk of hematological relapse. These
include the use of higher and more toxic dosages of drugs during
continuation chemotherapy, the administration of intensive chemotherapy
early during remission, the intermittent intensification of chemotherapy
by "pulses" of additional drugs, and the utilization of cell cycle
kinetic theory in designing drug treatment schedules [1,3,16, 19,20].
So far we lack convincing evidence that any of these methods decreases
relapse frequency among children receiving multiple agent chemotherapy
after appropriate preventive meningeal treatment. Although combination
chemotherapy appeared to be superior to single drug treatment for
continuing complete remission, there remained a need to demonstrate
this by comparative study. It was also necessary to ascertain whether
addition of drugs to a two-drug combination enhanced complete remission
duration and the frequency of lengthy remissions. This question
was particularly important because the drugs used for continuation
chemotherapy have overlapping toxic effects on hematopoiesis, immunocompetence
and epithelial integrity. Administration of one of the drugs reduces
host tolerance to the others so that when used together their doses
must be lower than if they were given singly. Thus, effectiveness
ofone drug may be compromised by the administration of the others.
In a 1972-75 study (Table 2) children with ALL were randomized to
receive 1, 2, 3 or 4 drugs for continuation chemotherapy after remission
induction with prednisone, vincristine and asparaginase and preventive
cranial meningeal irradiation with simultaneous intrathecal methotrexate
[4]. Children receiving methotrexate and mercaptopurine together
had longer remissions and abetter chance of lengthy remission than
Table 2. Treatment of acute lymphocytic
leukemia. Study VIII 1972-75
In this comparative study remission was induced with prednisone.
vincristine and asparaginase and rollowed by preventive cranial
meningeal irradiation with sim ultaneous intrathecal methotrexate
Patients were assigned at random to one or fuur regimens methotrexatc
alonc (M). methotrexate and mcrcaptopurinc (MMp). methotrexate.
mercaptopurine and cyclophosphamide (MMpC). or methotrexate. mercaptopurine.
cyclophosphamide and arabinosyl cytosine (MMpCA) The results indicate
superior efficacy for the MMp combination
receiving methotrexate alone. On the other hand, patients receiving
cyclophosphamide or cyclophosphamide and arabinosyl cytosine in
addition to methotrexate and mercaptopurine tended to have shorter
remissions and fewer lengthy remissions than those in the two-drug
group. These results indicate that addition of simultaneous cyclophosphamide
or cyclophosphamide and arabinosyl cytosine did not improve the
efficacy of the methotrexate and mercaptopurine combination. Whether
a cyclic or sequential schedule of two two-drug combinations might
prove superior needs to be determined. The morbidity and mortality
of the one, three and four-drug regimens were greater than those
of the two-drug combination (Table 3). Children on methotrexate
alone received two to three times higher doses of this drug than
those receiving the combinations. Nine out of 20 suffered leukoencephalopathy
during initial complete remission while none of the other 218 children
developed evidence of this complication during initial remission.
In the three- and four-drug groups immunosuppression was more pronounced
and was accompanied by higher risk of varicella-Zoster infection
and Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia, more frequent hospitalizations
and deaths during complete remission. Thus the most efficacious
treatment regimen also had the least morbidity. The most significant
opportunity for improving the treatment of ALL in the past five
years has been its biological and clinical classification by immunological
cell surface markers (Table 4) [5,7]. This allows species identification
of the leukemia cells, the first step toward developing specific
cytocidal or cytostatic therapy. This may also provide further specific
biological and chemical correlates of sensitivity and resistance
of ALL cells to current drugs and may lead to new concepts of control
of ALL. For example, the relatively good prognosis of common type
ALL could be related to increased glucocorticoid receptors on the
common type leukemic Iymphoblasts [22]. Other speculations for the
good prognosis of common type ALL include: its origin in the bone
marrow where drug diffusion is probably superior than in the visceral
masses characteristic of thymic cell and B-cell ALL; its low mitotic
rate and less DNA synthesis, which might reduce the risk of mutation
to drug resistance; its lower number of leu -
Table 3. Morbidity during initial complete
remission Study VIII
See table 2 Iegend for explanation of abbreviations the two-drug
regimen was accompanied by the Ieast morbidity during initial complete
remission This suggests that efficacy and morbidity of a chemotherapy
regimen may be unrelated
kemia cells and therefore greater susceptibility to chemical eradication
and less possibility of a drug resistant variant; the better stimulation
of normal lymphocytes by common type Iymphoblasts in mixed leucocyte
cultures and therefore greater susceptibility to a theoretical immune
control. Another speculation is that common type ALL is a developmental
disorder of lymphocytes. Children normally experience rapid lymphocytic
proliferation from age two to six years, the most frequent age for
common type ALL. Is it possible that factors controlling lymphocytic
proliferation after age six years contribute to control of common
type ALL? Does leukemia therapy simply repress common type lymphoblast
replication until normal controls take over as the child becomes
Table 4. Immunologic clasification. childhood
lymphocytic leukemia
This tentative classification of ALL is based on immunological
cell surface: markers of the leukemic lymphoblasts For valid determination
of species. Ieukemic Iymphoblasts of the bone marrow need to be
studied prior to chemotherapy The table was prepared by Dr. Luis
ALL in children cannot be considered incurable. Approximately one-half
of children receiving modern therapy survive free of leukemia 5-10
years after cessation of treatment and at little or no risk of relapse.
The value of any treatment program must be measured by the proportion
of children surviving free of leukemia off therapy and at little
or no risk of relapse, that is, the proportion that is apparently
cured. This cannot be projected or extrapolated from preliminary
data. The classification of ALL into biological species by immunological
markers may lead to the development of more specific and effective
treatment as well as to better understanding of its origin and nature.
Most important, it must be emphasized that the majority of children
in the world do not benefit from advances in treatment of ALL because
of their complexity, hazards, expense and inaccessibility. Therapeutic
research needs to be directed away from more complex, expensive
technology such as bone marrow transplantation and sophisticated
radiotherapy, Effort should be concentrated on understanding the
fundamental biology of children's ALL and on its practical application
for specific, effective, simple, safe and cheap treatment. In this
way we can assure that all children in the world will benefit from
our science and we can best fulfill our obligations as 5cientists
and physicians.
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