Supported in part by the Deutsche Krebshilfe and
1 Department of Hematology/Oncology, Klinikum Sleglitz, Free University
of Berlin, Federal Republic 01 Germany
2 Department of Pediatrics, Hannover Medical School. Hannover, Federal
Republic of Germany
A. Introduction
The application of immunological marker studies to acute lymphoblastic
leukemias (ALL) has established a solid basis for precise diagnosis
and classification [1] and, in combination with enzymatic, cytogenetic,
and molecular analyses [2 4], has helped to unravel a great deal
of the biological heterogeneity of childhood ALL. Up to now, investigations
examining the impact of the immunophenolype on trcalment outcome
have mostly rcported results based upon conventional marker studies
and have indicated a worse prognosis for children with pre-B, B-,
and T lineage ALL [58]. Due to the paucity of controlled prospective
studies on clinical and prognostic implications of immunophcnotypes,
however, doubts have arisen regarding the value of the immunophenotype
as an independent prognostic parameter in ALL [9]. Furthermore,
the improvement of intensive therapy has affected the prognostic
importance of most clinical and biological features in childhood
ALL [10]. There fore, the main objective of immunological marker
studies in the therapy study ALL-BFM 83 was to determine prospectively
the incidence, the clinical and hematological features, and the
prognostic significance of immunophenotypic subgroups defined by
monoclonal antibodies (MoAbs) in childhood ALL.
D. Discussion
In the light of the progress made in the immunophenotyping of
ALL, several studies have attempted to identify immunological subtypes
with differing prognoscs, thc long-term goal being to individualize
therapy according to the leukemic immunophenotype [17]. Identification
of immunophenotypic features with potential prognostic significance
in the large common-ALL group is rather difficult due to the relatively
low failure rate for these patients. Recently, however, the prognosis
in precursor Bcell-lineage ALL has been correlated with cytoplasmic
µ chain expression [5] and quantitativc Ievels of CD10 expression
[18]. Since cytoplasmic Ig was not generally investigated in this
study, we selected the CD20 antigen for further subclassification
of the common-ALL group and observed that the duration of EFS was
shorter to a statistically significant degree for patients with
CD20+ common ALL than for those in the CD20- common-ALL subgroup.
This difference could not be explained by unequal distribution of
the two well-established clinical prognostic factors, age and initial
leukocyte count, nor could it be ascribed to other significant differences
of clinical characteristics among these subgroups, e. g., incidence
of extramedullary involvement or initial CNS disease. Within the
common-ALL group, Cox regression analysis revealed independent prognostic
value for only three factors, i. e., WBC, hemoglobin level, and
expression of the CD20 antigen. These data suggest that common-ALL
subgroups of potential prognostic significance can be defined by
monoclonal antibodies and that the prognosis in precursor B-cell-lineage
ALL is related to the degree of maturity of the malignant cells.
Reasons for the poorer treatment outcome of the CD20+ common-ALL
patients are uncertain, and additional studies on the biological
characteristics of this subgroup are necessary for clarification.
T -cell neoplasms have been categorized according to stages of normal
differentiation into pre- T, early, cortical or common, and mature
thymocyte subtypes [19]. The potential clinical relevance of subset
designation, however, has not yet been demonstrated among patients
with T -cell-lineage ALL. In the ALL-BFM 83 study, children with
preT/T immunophenotype did not differ significantly in their response
to induction therapy from other immunophenotypical subgroups, but
they had a significantly shorter duration of EFS than children with
common ALL. The poorer treatment outcome of T -lineage ALL, however,
was mainly related to the association with unfavorable clinical
features, and the pre-TIT-ALL phenotype did not retain independent
prognostic significance in the multivariate model. Immunopheno typic
subgroups of T -lineage ALL (i. e., pre- T vs. early vs. cortical
vs. mature T-ALL) did not differ significantly with regard to clinical
features, response to induction therapy, and EFS. Interestingly,
four of five children in the small mature- T -cell subgroup relapsed
within 16 months after diagnosis. The prognostic impact of this
subgroup, however, has to be evaluated in larger series of patients.
Furthermore, it should be emphasized that eight patients with T
-lineage ALL did not fit into the T -cell-differentiation stages,
indicating that any phenotypic categorization of T -lineage ALL
is likely to be an oversimplification and does not reflect the real
extent of heterogeneity of T -cell ontogeny. In contrast to a recent
report from the Pediatric Oncology Group [20], the expression of
CD10 within T -lineage ALL was not prognostically important in the
ALL-BFM 83 study, but slight differences with regard to clinical
features (age, WBC, mediastinal mass) were observed among CD10+
and CD10 pre-TIT-ALL patients. In conclusion, our data confirm the
reported incidence of immunophenotypic subgroups and the clinical
usefulness of monoclonal-antibody phenotyping in childhood ALL.
The expression of the CD20 antigen could be identified as an independent
prognostic factor in patients with precursor B-cell-Lineage ALL
and may be important for risk assignment in future treatment planning.
The poorer treatment outcome of T -lineage ALL can be explained
largely by the association with unfavorable clinical factors. In
contrast to results in adult ALL [21], immunophenotypic subgroups
in childhood T -lineage ALL (i. e., pre-T vs. T ALL) did not differ
significantly with regard to clinicopathological features and clinical
outcome. Further studies of immunological features in combination
with characterization by lineage-associated molecular probes are
needed to evaluate the clinical significance of subset designation
within T -lineage ALL.
The authors are grateful to Drs B. Dörken and W. Knapp for supplying
their monoclonal antibodies. We also thank J. Weirowski for helpful
suggestions in preparing this manuscript.
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