A. Introduction
Clonal culture systems using semisolid media for the detection
of granulocyte-macrophage (Bradley and Metcalf 1966; Pike and Robinson
1970; Pluznik and Sachs 1966), erythroid (Stephenson et al. 1971
), lymphoid (Fibach et al. 1976; Metcalf et al. 1975a; Sredni et
al. 1976) and megakaryocytic (Metcalf et al. 1975b) progenitors
have contributed greatly to investigations of hematopoiesis. Unfortunately,
such systems possess two major limitations: ( 1) observations are
restricted to relati vely short time intervals and (2) the interaction
between different kinds of cells cannot easily be studied. More
recently, liquid culture systems have also been investigated. Golde
and Cline (1973) described the short-term liquid culture of human
marrow using an in vitro diffusion chamber in which cells grew both
in suspension and on a dialysis membrane. Proliferation and maturation
of granulocytes and macrophages in these chambers persisted for
4 weeks. Dexter et al. ( 1973) reported the development of a liquid
system for the cocultivation of mouse thymus and bone marrow in
which CFUcs (granulocyte-macrophage progenitor cells) were generated
for at least 10 weeks and CFUss (pluripotent stem cells) were present
for 14 days. The same group (Dexter and Lajtha 1974; Dexter and
Testa 1976; Dexter et al. 1977) later developed a method for the
long-term culture of mouse bone marrow cells alone in liquid medium.
Such cultures produce both CFUcs and CFUss for several months. Hematopoiesis
in this system is dependent upon the presence of a marrow-derived
adherent population consisting of three cell types : phagocytic
mononuclear cells, endothelial cells, and giant lipid-laden adipocytes.
Initially, only certain lots of horse serum had the ability to stimulate
the growth of these essential adipocytes. Greenberger ( 1978) reported
that "deficient" lots of horse serum could be reconstituted with
corticosteroids. Long-term liquid culture systems for the cultivation
of human bone marrow cells are urgently needed. Moore and Sheridan
(1979) reported the establishment of human marrow cultures using
conditions similar to those described by Dexter et al., but CFUc
production was limited to 6-8 weeks. More recently, Moore et al.
( 1979) reported sustained longterm hematopoiesis in liquid cultures
of marrow from a subhuman primate, the tree shrew (Tupaia glis).
We now present additional information concerning a recently described
method ( Gartner and Kaplan 1980 ) for the long-term culture of
human marrow cell populations based on modifications of the murine
B. Materials and Methods
I. Media
Fischer's complete growth medium consisted of Fischer's medium
(Gibco #320-1735) supplemented with 10high - 7 M hydrocortisone
sodium succinate (Upjohn) and either 25 % horse serum (HoS; Flow
Labs), 25% fetal bovine serum (FBS ; Microbiological Associates),
or 12.5% each of HoS and FBS. McCoy's complete growth medium consisted
of the following: McCoy's 5a medium, modified, (Gibco #430-1500),
10high - 7 M hydrocortisone, 1 % sodium bicarbonate solution (Gibco
#670-5080), 1% MEM sodium pyruvate solution (Gibco 3201360), 1%
MEM vitamin solution (Gibco #3201120), 0.8%c MEM amino acids solution
(Gibco 0#0320-1135), 0.4% MEM nonessential amino acids solution
(Gibco 0#0320-1140) 1% L-glutamine, 200mM solution (Gibco 320-5030),
1% penicillinstreptomycin solution, 10,000 u pen/mI, 10,000 mcg
strep/ml (Gibco 0#0600-5140), and either 25% HoS, 25% FBS, or 12.5%
of each. Only freshly prepared medium was used for the initiation
and maintenance of cultures. All serum was heat inactivated at 56°C
for 1 h and stored frozen prior to use. In the presence of 10high
- 7 M hydrocortisone, all lots of HoS tested were able to support
the development of a good stromal layer. Only those lots of FBS
which sustained the growth of our fastidious human lymphoma cells
(Epstein and Kaplan 1974; Kaplan et al. 1979) were used for these
II. Initiation and Maintenance of Cultures
Normal marrow specimens were obtained from resected ribs of patients
undergoing thoracotomy. Immediately after removal from the patient,
the rib was cut into segments 2-3 cm in length and immersed in cold,
Ca + + -free Dulbecco's phosphate-buffered saline (PBS; Gibco) supplemented
with 1% pen-strep solution and beef lung sodium heparin (Upjohn),
10 µ/ml final concentration. All extraneous connective tissue was
cut away from the segments and they were gently rinsed with fresh
Ca + + -free Dulbecco's PBS. Care was taken not to flush the marrow
from the segments at this step. Using two 6" blunt-ended forceps,
the rib segments were pried apart longitudinally. With the tip of
a forcep, the marrow was scraped into a lOO mm glass or plastic
petri dish containing 20 ml cold complete growth medium (two dishes
were used for the marrow from each resected rib.) The medium containing
the marrow clumps was then transferred to a 50 ml centrifuge tube
(Corning) and pipet ted moderately vigorously to break apart the
cell clumps and create a single cell suspension. (In our hands,
cultures initiated from single cell suspensions have consistently
proven superior to those in which cell clumps were seeded). Viable
cell counts were performed using 0.04 %c trypan blue; viability
was consistently 98%-100%. Wright-Giemsa-stained slides of the fresh
specimens were also prepared to insure that the marrow was normal.
Between 1-2 X 109 nucleated cells were usually recovered from a
rib. Two X 107 viable nucleated cells in 10 ml of complete growth
medium were seeded into plastic T -25 flasks (Corning) or 1 X 107
nucleated cells were seeded into Cluster6 35 mm wells (Costar) containing
glass coverslips (Corning.) Cultures were incubated at 33°C in 5%c
CO2 in air. (Our early experiments demonstrated the superiority
of 33°C over 37°C in terms of supporting long-term hematopoiesis,
although 37°C accelerated the development of the stromal layer.
In contrast, Moore and Sheridan ( 1979) reported that 37°C was superior
for their human marrow cultures.) Weekly feedings consisted of removal
of 5 ml spent medium containing non adherent cells and addition
of 5 ml fresh medium. The nonadherent cells were counted, used for
morphologic and cytochemical studies, and assayed for CFU c. Aspirates
of normal sternal marrow were obtained from patients undergoing
cardiovascular surgery. Aspirates were also obtained from the iliac
crests of patients with acute myeloid leukemia (AML) before treatment,
while in remission, and during relapse. These specimens were drawn
into heparinized syringes and immediately transferred to tubes containing
2 ml of the previously described complete McCoy's growth medium.
Wright's Giemsa-stained preparations of the leukemic aspirates were
examined to estimate the seeding density required for the development
of the stromal microenvironment in culture. Specimens comprised
almost exclusively of myeloid blasts required greater seeding densities
for development of the stromal microenvironment. Cell counts were
also performed. With the leukemic specimens, between 5 X 106 and
2 X 107 nucleated cells were seeded per T -25 flask, depending on
the total number of nucleated cells available. From the normal marrow
aspirates, 1-2 X 107 nucleated cells were seeded per T -25 flask.
Two to five days after the initial seeding of the aspirate suspensions,
the nonadherent cells were removed from each flask independently
and separated on individual "mini" Ficoll-Hypaque gradients (Boyum
1968) using 8 ml cell suspension in PBS plus 3 ml Ficoll-Hypaque
solution. The cells at the gradient interface were washed three
times in Dulbecco's PBS and returned to the original flasks which
contained some adherent cells. Aspirate cultures were fed weekly
as described for rib-derived cultures.
III. CFUc Assay
One million human peripheral blood mononuclear cells were suspended
in 1 ml volumes of 0.5% Noble agar (Difco) in McCoy's 5a medium
supplemented with 15% FBS as described by Pike and Robinson (1970)
and seeded into 35 mm wells of cluster6 plates (Costar). 1 X 105
viable bone marrow cells in 1 ml volumes of 0.3% Noble agar in McCoy's
15 %c FBS medium were overlayed on the 0.5 %c agar layer. Only 0-1-day-old
underlayers were used. Clusters and colonies were scored at day
12-14. Clusters contained 20-50 cells and colonies contained more
than 50 cells. CFUc values represent the average of at least three
cultures, and three wells per culture were assayed.
IV. Cytochemical stains
For morphologic characterization nonadherent cells and coverslip
cultures were stained with Wright'sGiemsa; cytochemical tests were
also performed for the presence of nonspecific esterase and myeloperoxidase
activity (Yam et al. 1971).
Table I. Characteristics of the adherent
C. Results
Table 1 demonstrates that adipocyte-containing confluent stromal
layers could be initiated and maintained for periods of at least
5 months in either Fischer's or McCoy's medium when supplemented
with both horse serum and hydrocortisone. The stromal layers of
very old cultures (greater than 6 months ), especially those grown
in Fischer's medium, were comprised almost exclusively of adipocytes
(Fig. 1 ). Greenberger ( 1979) also reported the induction by corticosteroids
of lipogenesis in adipocytes in human marrow cultures. In the absence
of horse serum, either medium, despite supplementation with hydrocortisone
and FBS, failed to support the development of significant numbers
of lipid-Iaden adipocytes. In such cultures almost no nonadherent
cells were recovered after 6-8 weeks. Cultures grown in McCoy's
medium supplemented with FBS with or without HoS developed confluent
Fig. I. A human marrow culture at 6 months illustrating
abundant adipocytes. X 20
stromal layers earlier than those supplemented with HoS alone or
grown in Fischer's medium. Fischer's growth medium supplemented
with hydrocortisone and 25% HoS or 12.5% HoS and 12.5% FBS was able
to support the generation of CFUc-forming cells for up to 12 weeks
in some cases. However, the number of colony-forming cells recovered
from such cultures was usually less than 50 per 105 cells assayed.
In contrast, McCoy's complete growth medium supplemented with both
FBS and HoS not only provided adequate nutrition for the early development
and maintenance of stromal layers containing abundant adipocytes
but also contributed either directly or indirectly (through the
stromal microenvironment) to longterm hematopoiesis and significantly
greater yields of CFU c. Figure 2 illustrates the appearance of
a typical culture at day 14. A confluent stromal layer can be seen
underneath the nonadherent cells. A most important feature of these
long- term cultures is the presence of "cobblestone"-like areas,
presumably regions of hematopoiesis from which the nonadherent cells
arise. Figures 3 and 4 illustrate such cobblestone-like areas in
cultures at 6 weeks and 16 weeks, respectively. At higher magnification
(Fig. 5), the flattened polygonal cells in such areas are seen to
be so tightly packed together that their boundaries may be difficult
to discern. With time some of these cells become more rounded granules
can be seen to appear within their cytoplasms and ultimately they
become nonadherent. When coverslip cultures were gently washed extensively
to remove non adherent cells and stained for myeloperoxidase activity,
it was observed that cobblestone areas did indeed contain both myeloid
and monocytoid cells. Coverslip cultures stained for nonspecific
esterase activity revealed monocytoid cells scattered throughout
the stromal layer , in islands of hematopoiesis, and sometimes in
large, tight clusters within the stromal layer. In general, nonspecific
esterase-positive cells were much more intensively stained outside
of the cobblestone areas. The kinetics of the generation of cells
with colony-forming ability in these long-term cultures appeared
to follow two different patterns, designated the "hyperproliferative"
and "homeostatic" patterns. The hyperproliferative pattern describes
cultures in which the
Fig. 2. A human marrow culture at 14 days. X 81
Fig. 3. A human marrow culture at 6 weeks illustrating adipocytes
and cobblestone areas of active hematopoiesis. X 50
Fig. 4. A human marrow culture at 16 weeks illustrating
a cobblestone area. X 77
Fig. 5. A human marrow culture at 14 weeks illustrating
a very early cobblestone area. X 324
number of CFU cS generated exceeds lOO per 10 high 5 cells in serial
assays over several weeks. In contrast, the homeostatic pattern
describes a steady-state situation in which a lower level of CFU
cs, usually between 25- 75 per 10 high 5 cells, is continuously
present in the cultures. An example of each pattern is shown in
Fig. 6. of nine different rib specimens incubated in McCoy's complete
growth medium supplemented with both FBS and HoS, four showed the
hyperproliferative pattern and five the homeostatic pattern. With
the other growth media only the homeostatic pattern was observed,
and only in rare instances were CFUc detected beyond 12 weeks. With
all growth media and at all time intervals most colonies were very
large, containing more than 500 cells. An example is shown in Fig.
7. Adipocyte colonies were also occasionally seen in the agar cultures.
After approximately 8 weeks the numbers of nonadherent cells recovered
weekly usually varied between 2 X 10 high5 and 2 X 10 high 6 per
culture. Before 7-8 weeks, between 1 X 10 high 6 and 1.5 X 10 high
7 cells were routinely recovered. Such recovery frequencies were
common to both the hyperproliferative and homeostatic patterns.
The numbers of CFUcs did not increase during the first 4 weeks of
culture (Fig. 6 ). In the murine system Dexter et al. (1977) described
the "recharging" of cultures at 4 weeks by the addition of fresh
marrow. Addition of fresh cells was found to be unnecessary for
prolonged hematopoiesis in Tupaia glis marrow cultures (Moore et
al. 1979; Moore and Sheridan 1979). We have found that recharging
did not enhance the production of CFUcs in our human marrow cultures
and in some cases proved deleterious either by destroying the stromal
microenvironment or by decreasing the number of CFUcs recovered.
In the absence of recharging, the numbers of CFUcs began to increase
between 4-6 weeks. In most normal marrow cultures, CFUc production
continued for at least 20 weeks. Table 2 indicates the relative
abundance of different morphologic cell types in the nonadherent
populations. Figs. 8 and 9 illustrate the non adherent population
from cultures at 9 weeks and 12 weeks, respectively. In older (greater
than 8 weeks) cultures grown in Fischer's or McCoy's medium with
FBS only, relatively small numbers of non adherent cells were recovered,
the vast majority of which
Fig. 6. Serial CFUc production in long-term human marrow
liquid cultures.
The results represent the means+- SEM of three wells for each of
three cultures
were mature macrophages. This finding is in agreement with that
of Moore and Sheridan (Moore and Sheridan 1979; Moore et al. 1979)
in long-term human marrow cultures grown in Fischer's medium with
HoS. With Fischer's medium plus 25% HoS or 12.5 % HoS and 12.5%
FBS, some immature monocytoid and both immature and mature myeloid
cells were also present but in small numbers. In contrast, cultures
grown in McCoy's FBS plus HoS growth medium contained many more
immature monocytoid and myeloid cells as well as mature myeloid
cells. Spontaneous mitotic figures were also seen in stained preparations
of these non adherent cells. The numbers of myeloid cells often
exceeded the numbers of mature macrophages in the McCoy's FBS plus
HoS cultures, unlike the situation in Fischer's medium. In younger
cultures (less than 6-8 weeks) monocytoid and myeloid cells at various
stages of differentiati on were generally observed, and fewer differences
were detected between the different growth media. Aspirates of normal
sternal marrow taken from patients during cardiovascular surgery
and of leukemic marrow from the iliac crests of AML patients were
also cultured. The probability of successful establishment of cultures
from such specimens appeared dependent upon the quality of the aspirate
and, in the case of the leukemic specimens, the previous medi
Table 2. Characteristics of the non adherent population
Fig.7. Agar culture colony arising from a CFUc harvestet
from a 14-week-old-human marrow culture in liquid medium. X 19
Fig. 8. Nonadherent population from a 9-week-old human marrow
culture. X 310
Fig.9.Nonadherent population from a 12-week-old human marrow
culture. X 324
Fig. 10. A I-month-old human marrow culture from an aspirate
from AML patient T. H. X 50
Fig. 11. A I-month-old human marrow culture from a second
aspirate from AML patient T. H. X 80
cal treatment of the patient. Cultures in which cobblestone areas
were observed were established from both normal and leukemic aspirates.
Figure 10 illustrates such a culture at 4 weeks from an AML patient
in remission. Faint cobblestone-like areas can be seen sandwiched
between the abundant adipocytes. Figure 11 illustrates a 4 week
culture from the same patient established from an additional aspirate
taken 1 month later. Although we have been able to recover colony-forming
cells from cultures of normal aspirate specimens for at least 8
weeks, the duration of granulopoiesis has been much more variable
than that observed in cultures from rib specimens.
D. Discussion
It has been demonstrated that hematopoiesis in long-term liquid
cultures of murine (Allen and Dexter 1976) and Tupaia glis (Moore
et al. 1979) marrow is dependent upon the presence of lipid-laden
adipocytes. Our results suggest that this is also the case for human
marrow. Horse serum in conjunction with hydrocortiso ne appears
to be essential for the initial growth and/ or differentiation of
the adipocytes. In limited studies cultures grown in the presence
of freshly collected pooled human serum and 10high - 7 M hydrocortisone,
with or without the addition of FBS, failed to develop mature adipocytes.
The numbers of lipid-containing adipocytes in cultures from different
specimens varied tremendously, especially in younger cultures (less
than 8 weeks). Interestingly, some cultures established from AML
marrow aspirates often possessed extremely large numbers of adipocytes
within 2 weeks after initiation of the cultures. In contrast, occasionally
other AML marrow cultures completely failed to develop any adipocytes.
In those cases where more than 1 aspirate was obtained at different
time intervals from the same AML patient considerable variation
was also seen between specimens with regard to the numbers of adipocytes
observed in the cultures, without any evident correlation with the
patient's clinical condition or the status of the disease. The culture
of additional leukemic specimens may elucidate this problem. The
cobblestone areas were often not seen immediately adjacent to the
adipocytes, especially in younger cultures. This suggests that direct
cell-to-cell contact between granulocytemacrophage committed progenitors
and well-differentiated adipocytes may not be required for the maturation
of the progenitors. It seems clear that the successful maintenance
of long-term hematopoiesis in these cultures is crucially dependent
upon the development and preservation of an intact, competent stromal
layer. Factors which affect the integrity of the adherent layer,
such as increased acidity of the culture medium or sometimes the
addition of an extraneous cell population to the culture, resulted
in a decrease in hematopoiesis as measured by CFUc production. The
regeneration of the stromal population in the original culture vessel
has not occurred to any significant degree in our cultures. (This
is unlike the situation reported for cultures of tree shrew marrow
where hematopoiesis was restored along with the regeneration of
the stromal layer [Moore et al. 1979]). Thus, great care must be
taken to preserve the integrity of the stromal micro-environment.
Our recent efforts to subculture stromal populations have met with
limited success. When adherent cells trypsinized from old cultures
of normal marrow were reseeded into new culture vessels, we have
again observed the growth of an adherent population to confluence.
Lipid-Iaden adipocytes are lost during trypsinization, so that subcultured
layers are initially comprised only of large, polygonal or fibroblastoid
cells and macrophages. In some cases, lipid-containing cells have
appeared some time later in these cultures, suggesting that adipocyte
precursors are trypsinizable or that the lipid droplets are lost
during trypsinization and require considerable time to be regenerated.
The restoration of long-sustained hematopoiesis in such trypsinized
cultures has been generally unsuccessful, though cobblestone areas
have occasionally been observed. Trypsinization has proven valuable
in generating confluent stromal layers in cultures from AML patients.
With some such specimens, very few adherent cells ( other than macrophages)
were present in the cultures and confluence of an adherent population
was never reached. Such cultures were later trypsinized and the
recovered cells seeded at higher cell densities. Confluence of an
adherent layer was thus ultimately obtained in many cases. An additional
problem in the culture of leukemic specimens was the lack of an
appropriate assay system to monitor granulopoiesis in these cultures.
In the case of some of the specimens from patients in remission,
the non adherent cells recovered from the cultures did not form
colonies in soft agar, although such nonadherent cell populations
morphologically resembled those recovered from cultures of normal
marrow. We believe that both the hyperproliferative and homeostatic
patterns described for CFU c production reflect the actual de novo
generation of granulocyte-macrophage progenitor cells in the cultures.
It appears that the numbers of CFUc detected over time in such cultures
exceed the numbers of granulocytemacrophage committed progenitor
cells initially seeded. Moreover, serial CFUc assays would have
been expected to reveal a rapid depletion of CFUc as weekly samples
were withdrawn, if CFUc were merely persisting rather than proliferating
in the cultures. This interpretation is further supported by the
observation of mitotic figures and by the fact that production of
CFU c did not begin to increase in the hyperproliferative pattern
until about 4 weeks. Myeloperoxidase-stained preparations have demonstrated
that cobblestone areas do contain myeloid cells. The alternative
possibility that granulocyte-macrophage committed progenitors remain
dormant and undetectable within the stromal matrix for long periods
of time until they receive appropriate signals for proliferation
and maturation or until they are sloughed off as the culture ages
seems less likely in the face of these observations. The differences
between the two growth patterns may be attributable to age and other
constitutional factors affecting individual hematopoietic activity;
they may have been more readily apparent because most of our rib
specimens came from older patients. Greenberger et al. ( to be published)
have demonstrated that the capacity for long-term hematopoiesis
in murine marrow cultures differs considerably from strain to strain.
Studies of the stromal microenvironment of these cultures are currently
underway which may provide abetter understanding of the source of
CFUcs. Sampling problems have been encountered during attempted
recovery of nonadherent cells from these cultures. The nonadherent
cells tend to .'hover" closely over the stromal layers. Phase contrast
observations immediately following feeding of the cultures reveal
that even with gentle agitation of the culture vessel, large numbers
of non adherent cells remain close to the stromal layer .Possibly
the viscosity of the growth medium enhances this effect. Therefore,
we believe that the numbers of nonadherent cells harvested in the
aliquots of spent medium may not accurately reflect the numbers
of non adherent cells present in the cultures. More vigorous agitation
of the culture vessel results in some destruction of the delicate
stromal microenvironment and cessation of hematopoiesis. We are
presently attempting to improve our methods of quantitation. Erythroid
(BFU-E) (Testa and Dexter 1977) and megakaryocytic (CFU-M) (williams
et al. 1978) progenitors are also produced in long-term murine cultures.
The persistence for at least 16 weeks of pre- T cells in murine
cultures has also been recently reported (Jones- Villeneuve et al.
1980). To date we have not attempted to assay for such populations
in our cultures of human marrow. However, we have established three
permanent, polyclonal cell lines of Epstein-Barr virus transformed
B-lymphoblastoid cells from marrow cultures of different nonleukemic
specimens. All three arose from what appeared to be hematopoietically
exhausted stromal layers, one developing at 3 months, one at 4 months,
and one at 6 months after initiation of the cultures. All were derived
from cultures in Fischer's medium with 25% HoS and hydrocortisone.
In the case of the 6-month-old stromal layer, no cobblestone areas
remained, and no nonadherent cells had been recovered for 2 months
prior to the appearance of the B cells. Moore and Sheridan (1979)
reported the conversion of 10% of their human cultures to a lymphoblastoid
morphology by the 6th week of culture. We are at present uncertain
as to whether our observations represent the generation of B cells
from immature precursors in these old cultures or the delayed outgrowth
of long-lived EBV-transformed mature B cells. Given the complexity
of the stromal microenvironment, it is quite possible that small
numbers of mature B cells could have survived undetected. Methods
for the culture of human bone marrow are essential for furthering
our understanding of normal hematopoiesis and of hematopoietic disease
states as well as the effects of therapeutic regimens on marrow
subpopulations. Although there are still many improvements to be
made in the application of the liquid phase murine culture system
to human marrow, we believe the modifications we have described
allow for the routine establishment of such cultures in a reproducibly
successful way.
This work was supported by research contract N01-CP-91044 from
the National Cancer Institute, National Institute of Health, U.S.
Dept. of Health, Education, and Welfare (DHEW). Suzanne Gartner
is the holder of a predoctoral traineeship in a Cancer Biology Training
Program supported by training grant CA-09302 awarded by the National
Cancer Institute, DHEW. WethankDr.JamesB.D. Mark for providing the
rib specimens, Dr. Stuart Jamieson for providing the normal sternal
marrow aspirates, and Drs. Peter Greenberg, Richard Hornes, Robert
Feiner, and Ms. Betty Reitsma for providing the leukemic marrow
specimens. We are also grateful to Ms. Glenda Garrelts for the nonspecific
esterase tests, Dr. Werner Henle for the EBNA determinations, and
Dr. Joel Greenberger for helpful discussions.
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