l Research Institute of Child Development, Department
of Genetics, Faculty of pediatrics, Charles University, Vuvalu 84,15018
Praha 5, Czechoslovakia
2 2nd Pediatric Department, University Hospital Motol, Faculty of
Pediatrics, Charles University, Vuvalu 84, 15018 Praha 5, Czechoslovakia
3 Department of Clinical Genetics, University Hospital Motol, Vuvalu
84, 15018 Praha 5, Czechoslovakia
A. Introduction
The prognostic importance of blast-cell DNA content and chromosomal
findings in childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) is known
[1-4, 6, 7, 9], but further correlations of hematologic, immunologic,
and genetic data are needed for a better understanding of the biology
of leukemic cells [5, 10]. Our pilot study is focused on the multivariate
analysis of hematologic and genetic data from both a clinical and
a laboratory point of view to be used for clinical prognosis in
children with newly diagnosed ALL.
B. Material and Methods
Twenty-four clinical and laboratory parameters were analyzed in
65 children with newly diagnosed ALL, including age, sex, mediastinal
mass, WBC and blast count in peripheral blood, blast count in bone
marrow, FAB classification, cytochemical, histochemical, and immunological
characteristics, chromosomal findings, karyotype index, DNA index,
and familial incidence of cancers. All parameters were computerized
and statistical analysis including multivariate analysis was done.
Data from ALL patients were compared with control data from 60 healthy
children without history of any malignancy. The prognosis of the
disease was calculated in relation to the different risk factors.
C. Results
The absolute blast count in peripheral blood at the time of diagnosis
proved to be the main prognostic risk factor in childhood ALL. Both
karyotype and DNA index as well as the amount of nuclear DNA in
bone marrow blasts correlated with absolute blast count in peripheral
blood (Fig. 1) and are described as other important prognostic risk
factors. A higher incidence of cancer in the ALL patients' families
was found in comparison with the group of control children's families
and seems to be another important genetic risk factor in the prognosis
of childhood ALL. The significance of our findings was confirmed
using multivariate analysis, which described an initial absolute
blast count in peripheral blood as the most important determinant
for the prognosis of ALL.
Fig. I. Correlation of initial blast count in peripheral
blood and DNA content in bone marrow blasts
D. Discussion
The prognostic importance of laboratory and clinical data in relation
to leukemia has recently been discussed in the literature [2, 4,
5, 7]. The published reports indicate that genetic factors contribute
to the etiology of human leukemia. Current epidemiologic knowledge
supports the hypothesis that human leukemia is a disease arising
from multiple causes. These complex causes include intrinsic factors
(genetics and epidemiology) as well as environmental factors (irradiation,
chemicals, and viruses). It would appear that no one cause is dominant
and that the etiology of human leukemia is probably the result of
various interactions producing a disturbance of cell division [8].
The first results of our pilot cooperative prognostic study in childhood
ALL; presented here, indicate that there are different risk factors
playing a role in the prognosis, but also in the cause of childhood
ALL. The best direction for future prognostic investigations in
childhood ALL may be the cooperation of clinical hematologists and
oncologists with immunologists, geneticists, molecular biologists,
and epidemiologists to clarify many different still unknown interactions
of etiologic and prognostic importance.
E. Summary
Correlation of 24 different clinical and laboratory measures was
performed for a calculation of the prognosis in 65 children with
newly diagnosed acute lym phoblastic leukemia (ALL). The hematologic
as well as genetic parameters were studied at the time of diagnosis.
It was shown that the initial blast count in peripheral blood is
the most important risk factor for the prognosis of ALL. Cytogenetic,
DNA cytometric, and pedigree data correlate with blast count and
also seem to be very important determinants for ALL prognosis. The
statistically significant increase in the incidence of neplasms
in ALL families is reported.
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